DigimonCardGame Wiki

Gatomon (P-120)

Card Info
Name Gatomon
Japanese テイルモン
Translated Tailmon
Traditional Chinese 迪路獸
Simplified Chinese 迪路兽
Korean 가트몬
Colour Yellow
Card Type Digimon
Play Cost 4
DP 4000 DP
Level 4
Form Champion
Attribute Vaccine
Type Holy Beast
Rarity Promo
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Yellow
Level 3
Digivolve Cost 2
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Red
Level 3
Digivolve Cost 2
Card Effect(s)
<Barrier> (When this Digimon would be deleted in battle, by trashing the top card of your security stack, prevent that deletion).
Inherited Effect
[Your Turn] All of your opponent's security Digimon get -2000 DP.
Card Restriction
English Unrestricted
Japanese Unrestricted
Chinese Not released
Korean Not released
Block Icon
Gallery - Rulings - Errata - Tips - Trivia

English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
No Illustrator Tamer Party Pack: The Beginning Ver. 2.0 Foil - Promo
Takase PB-17: Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Set Foil - Alternative Art
No Illustrator AB-03: Adventure Box 3 Foil - Alternative Art

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
No Illustrator Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Promotion Pack No Foil - Promo
Takase PB-17: Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Set Foil - Alternative Art
