DigimonCardGame Wiki

Valkyrimon (LM-039)

Card Info
Name Valkyrimon
Japanese ヴァルキリモン
Colour Red / Blue
Card Type Digimon
DP 12000 DP
Level 6
Form Mega
Attribute Free
Type Warrior
Rarity Promo
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Red
Level 5
Digivolve Cost 4
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Blue
Level 5
Digivolve Cost 4
Alt. Digivolution Requirements
[Digivolve] [Silphymon]: Cost 3
Card Effect(s)
[When Digivolving] <Blitz> (If your opponent has 1 or more memory, this Digimon may attack).
[When Digivolving] [When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] Return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 8000 DP or les to the bottom of the deck. If this effect didn't return, this Digimon gains <Security A. +1> (This Digimon checks 1 additional security card) for the turn.
[Your Turn] This Digimon's attack target can't change.
Card Restriction
English Not released
Japanese Not released
Chinese Not released
Korean Not released
Block Icon
Gallery - Rulings - Errata - Tips - Trivia

English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
naru BT-21: Limited Card Pack Promo

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
naru LM-05: Limited Card Pack Final Elysion Promo

Chinese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
naru LM-05: Limited Card Pack Final Elysion Promo

Korean Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
naru LM-05: Limited Card Pack Final Elysion Promo
