Main page: Category:Iceclad
Evade ■ Raid ■ Alliance ■ Barrier ■ Blast Digivolve ■ Mind Link ■ Fortitude ■ Partition ■ Collision ■ Scapegoat ■ Blast DNA Digivolve ■ Vortex ■ Overclock ■ Iceclad ■ Decode ■ Fragment ■ Execute |

Iceclad Icon
Iceclad (氷装 Kōri Sō?) is a keyword introduced in EX-07: Extra Booster Digimon Liberator. It is indicated by "Iceclad" on an orange background.
How it Works[]
Digimon with <Iceclad> compares its number of digivolution cards instead of DP in battles other than with security Digimon.
To be completed.
Other Rulings[]
To be completed.