Spadamon (EX6-037)
Card Info | |
Name | Spadamon |
Japanese | スパーダモン |
Colour | Black / Red |
Card Type | Digimon |
Play Cost | 3 |
DP | 1000 DP |
Level | 3 |
Form | Rookie |
Attribute | Free |
Type | Weapon/Legend-Arms |
Rarity | Rare |
Digivolution Requirements | |
Colour | Black |
Level | 2 |
Digivolve Cost | 1 |
Digivolution Requirements | |
Colour | Red |
Level | 2 |
Digivolve Cost | 1 |
Alt. Digivolution Requirements |
[Digivolve] [Sakuttomon]/[Kakkinmon]: Cost 0 |
Card Effect(s) |
[Hand] [Main] By paying 1 cost and placing this card as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your Digimon that's level 3 or has the [Legend-Arms] trait, <Draw 1> (Draw 1 card from your deck). [On Play] By trashing 1 card with the [Legend-Arms] trait in your hand, <Draw 2> (Draw 2 cards from your deck). |
Inherited Effect |
[When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 3000 DP or less. |
Card Restriction | |
English | Unrestricted |
Japanese | Unrestricted |
Chinese | Unrestricted |
Korean | Not released |
Block Icon | |
03 |
English Sets
Illustrator | Booster Set | Foil & Rarity |
YAMURETSU | EX-06: Theme Booster Infernal Ascension | Foil - Rare |
Japanese Sets
Illustrator | Booster Set | Foil & Rarity |
YAMURETSU | EX-06: Theme Booster Infernal Ascension | Foil - Rare |