DigimonCardGame Wiki
Chaosdramon (EX3-013)
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  1. Q: This card is chosen to be deleted by [BT5-106 Demonic Disaster], if it uses its [All Turns] effect to prevent its deletion do I still get to unsuspend a Digimon?
    A: No, you cannot unsuspend a Digimon if this card is not deleted.[1]
  2. Q: My opponent's Digimon with <Piercing> attacked my Digimon, and my Digimon lost the battle. I then activate my Digimon's [All Turns] effect to prevent it from being deleted. What happens to my opponent's <Piercing>?
    A: As the requirement of "when this Digimon attacks and deletes an opponent's Digimon and survives the battle" of <Piercing> was not met, it does not activate.[2]
  3. Q: My Digimon has <Piercing> gained from [BT8-103 Lightning Blade] and battles a Digimon with equal DP. I activate its [All Turns] effect to prevent it from being deleted. Does <Piercing> trigger?
    A: Yes, because the Digimon will still have <Piercing> and it deleted a Digimon battle and survived it will trigger.[2]
  4. Q: This card has <Piercing> from [EX1-008 MetalGreymon] in its digivolution cards, this card attacks a Digimon with equal DP and uses its [All Turns] effect to prevent its deletion by trashing [EX1-008 MetalGreymon]. Does <Piercing> still trigger?
    A: No, it lost <Piercing> before the timing it would trigger and if it doesn't trigger it cannot activate.[3]
  5. Q: Does this card perform <De-Digivolve 3> on 1 of my opponent's Digimon, or does it perform <De-Digivolve 1> 3 times on the same Digimon?
    A: It performs <De-Digivolve 1> 3 times on the same Digimon. So you must do as much as you can.[4]
  6. Q: If I place 3 cards under this Digimon for its [On Play] [When Digivolving] effect and target a Digimon for <De-Digivolve> that has a Tamer or Option card as its topmost digivolution source, will this effect <De-Digivolve> past the Tamer or Option card?
    A: <De-Digivolve 1> will be activated three times. Even if the top card becomes a Tamer or Option card, the top card will continue to be trashed by <De-Digivolve>.[5]

