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The Blast Ace Pre-Release Packs were given out as part of the Blast Ace Pre-Release Promotion for the English Release of BT-14: Booster Blast Ace.



  • 48 Foil Pre-Release Stamped Cards

Booster Pack[]

  • Each pack contains 2 cards
    • 1 Uncommon & 1 Rare



Card List[]

Card Level Colour Type Rarity
Koromon (BT14-001) 2 Red Digi-Egg Uncommon
Bukamon (BT14-002) 2 Blue Digi-Egg Uncommon
Tokomon (BT14-003) 2 Yellow Digi-Egg Uncommon
Tanemon (BT14-004) 2 Green Digi-Egg Uncommon
Missimon (BT14-005) 2 Black Digi-Egg Uncommon
Bowmon (BT14-006) 2 Purple Digi-Egg Uncommon
Greymon (BT14-012) 4 Red Digimon Rare
Tyrannomon (BT14-013) 4 Red/Green Digimon Uncommon
Dinorexmon (BT14-017) 6 Red Digimon Uncommon
Goldramon (BT14-018) 6 Red/Yellow Digimon Rare
Ikkakumon (BT14-023) 4 Blue Digimon Rare
ShogunGekomon (BT14-028) 5 Blue Digimon Uncommon
Plesiomon (BT14-029) 6 Blue Digimon Rare
MarineAngemon (BT14-030) 6 Blue Digimon Uncommon
Sukamon (BT14-034) 4 Yellow/Black Digimon Uncommon
Centarumon (BT14-036) 4 Yellow Digimon Uncommon
Etemon (BT14-038) 5 Yellow Digimon Rare
Monzaemon (BT14-039) 5 Yellow Digimon Rare
Jijimon (BT14-040) 6 Yellow Digimon Uncommon
Seraphimon (BT14-041) 6 Yellow Digimon Rare
Togemon (BT14-046) 4 Green Digimon Uncommon
Leomon (BT14-048) 4 Green Digimon Rare
Rosemon (BT14-053) 6 Green Digimon Rare
SaberLeomon (BT14-054) 6 Green Digimon Uncommon
Numemon (BT14-058) 4 Black Digimon Rare
Hi-Commandramon (BT14-060) 4 Black Digimon Uncommon
BlackKingNumemon (BT14-063) 5 Black Digimon Uncommon
Cargodramon (BT14-064) 5 Black Digimon Rare
PlatinumNumemon (BT14-066) 6 Black/Yellow Digimon Rare
Ebemon (BT14-067) 6 Black Digimon Uncommon
Devimon (BT14-075) 4 Purple Digimon Rare
SkullGreymon (BT14-076) 5 Purple Digimon Rare
Helloogarmon (BT14-078) 5 Purple Digimon Uncommon
Soloogarmon (BT14-079) 5 Purple Digimon Rare
Ghoulmon (BT14-080) 6 Purple Digimon Uncommon
Tai Kamiya (BT14-082) - Red Tamer Rare
Joe Kido (BT14-083) - Blue Tamer Rare
T.K. Takaishi (BT14-084) - Yellow Tamer Rare
Mimi Tachikawa (BT14-085) - Green Tamer Rare
Satsuki Tamahime (BT14-086) - Black Tamer Rare
Eiji Nagasumi (BT14-087) - Purple Tamer Rare
Gennai (BT14-088) - White Tamer Rare
Dragon of Courage (BT14-090) - Red Option Uncommon
Wave of Reliability (BT14-091) - Blue Option Uncommon
Emissary of Hope (BT14-093) - Yellow Option Uncommon
Blooming of Sincerity (BT14-096) - Green Option Uncommon
Suka's Curse (BT14-097) - Black/Yellow Option Uncommon
Dark Wing's Delusion (BT14-099) - Purple Option Uncommon

Colour Breakdown[]

(-) indicates how many times the colour appears as a secondary colour on multicolour cards.

ColourLevel 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7TamersOptionsTotal
Red 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 1 7
Blue 1 - 1 1 2 - 1 1 7
Yellow 1 - 2 2 2 (2) - 1 1 (1) 9 (3)
Green 1 - 2 (1) - 2 - 1 1 7 (1)
Black 1 - 2 (1) 2 2 - 1 1 9 (1)
Purple 1 - 1 3 1 - 1 1 8
White - - - - - - 1 - 1
Total 6 - 10 8 11 - 7 6 48