DigimonCardGame Wiki

Apparition Legion (BT20-098)

Card Info
Name Apparition Legion
Japanese アパリションレギオン
Colour Purple
Card Type Option
Use Cost 8
Rarity Uncommon
Card Effect(s)
[Main] By returning up to 9 levels' total worth of Digimon cards from your opponent's trash to the bottom of the deck, you may play 1 [Ghosttrait Digimon card of each returned card's level from your trash without paying the costs. Then, the Digimon this effect played gain <Rush> (This Digimon can attack the turn it comes into play) and <Blocker> (At blocker timing, by suspending this Digimon, it becomes the attack target) until the end of your opponent's turn.
Security Effect
[Security] You may play 1 level 5 or lower Digimon card with the [Ghosttrait from your trash without paying the cost.
Card Restriction
English Not released
Japanese Not released
Chinese Not released
Korean Not released
Block Icon
Gallery - Rulings - Errata - Tips - Trivia

English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Itohiro BT19-20: Special Booster Ver.2.5 No Foil - Uncommon
Itohiro Special Booster Ver.2.5 Celebration Event Pack Foil - Pre Release Stamp - Uncommon

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Itohiro BT-20: Booster Over the X No Foil - Uncommon
