DigimonCardGame Wiki

Violet Inboots (BT20-088)

Card Info
Name Violet Inboots
Japanese ヴァイオレット・インブーツ
Colour Purple
Card Type Tamer
Play Cost 3
Rarity Rare
Card Effect(s)
[Start of Your Main Phase] If your opponent has a Digimon, gain 1 memory.
[Your Turn] When any of your [Ghosttrait Digimon are deleted, by suspending this Tamer, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Ghosttrait in the hand with the digivolution cost reduced by 2.
Security Effect
[Security] Play this card without paying the cost.
Card Restriction
English Not released
Japanese Not released
Chinese Not released
Korean Not released
Block Icon
Gallery - Rulings - Errata - Tips - Trivia

English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Tsunemi Aosa BT19-20: Special Booster Ver.2.5 Foil - Rare
Tsunemi Aosa Special Booster Ver.2.5 Celebration Event Pack Foil - Pre Release Stamp - Rare
Tonamikanji BT19-20: Special Booster Ver.2.5 Alternative Art

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Tsunemi Aosa BT-20: Booster Over the X Foil - Rare
Tonamikanji BT-20: Booster Over the X Alternative Art
