Bombermon (BT15-039)
Card Info | |
Name | Bombermon |
Japanese | ボマーモン |
Colour | Yellow |
Card Type | Digimon |
Play Cost | 7 |
DP | 7000 DP |
Level | 5 |
Form | Ultimate |
Attribute | Virus |
Type | Mutant |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Digivolution Requirements | |
Colour | Yellow |
Level | 4 |
Digivolve Cost | 3 |
Alt. Digivolution Requirements |
[Digivolve] Lv.4 w/[Gammamon] in name: Cost 3 |
Card Effect(s) |
[On Play] [When Digivolving] Until the end of your opponent's turn, 1 of their Digimon gets -3000 DP and gains "[On Deletion] Lose 1 memory." [All Turns] This Digimon gains all of the effects of cards with [Gammamon] in their names in this Digimon's digivolution cards. |
Inherited Effect |
[All Turns] This Digimon gains all of the effects of cards with [Gammamon] in their names in this Digimon's digivolution cards. |
Card Restriction | |
English | Unrestricted |
Japanese | Unrestricted |
Chinese | Unrestricted |
Korean | Not released |
Block Icon | |
03 |
English Sets
Illustrator | Booster Set | Foil & Rarity |
koki | BT-15: Booster Exceed Apocalypse | No Foil - Uncommon |
koki | Pre-Release Pack: Exceed Apocalypse | Foil - Pre Release Stamp - Uncommon |
Japanese Sets
Illustrator | Booster Set | Foil & Rarity |
koki | BT-15: Booster Exceed Apocalypse | No Foil - Uncommon |