DigimonCardGame Wiki

MetalSeadramon (BT15-031)

Card Info
Name MetalSeadramon
Japanese メタルシードラモン
Colour Blue
Card Type Digimon
Play Cost 11
DP 11000 DP
Level 6
Form Mega
Attribute Data
Type Cyborg/Dark Masters
Rarity Rare
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Blue
Level 5
Digivolve Cost 3
Card Effect(s)
[On Play] [When Attacking] Return 1 of your opponent's level 5 or lower Digimon to the hand.
[Your Turn] This Digimon can only digivolve into white Digimon.
[End of Opponent's Turn] Delete this Digimon. Then, you may play 1 Digimon card with the [Dark Masterstrait, other than [MetalSeadramon], from your hand without paying the cost.
Inherited Effect
<Blocker> (At blocker timing, by suspending this Digimon, it becomes the attack target).
Card Restriction
English Unrestricted
Japanese Unrestricted
Chinese Unrestricted
Korean Not released
Block Icon
Gallery - Rulings - Errata - Tips - Trivia

English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Nakano Haito BT-15: Booster Exceed Apocalypse Foil - Rare
Nakano Haito Pre-Release Pack: Exceed Apocalypse Foil - Pre Release Stamp - Rare

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Nakano Haito BT-15: Booster Exceed Apocalypse Foil - Rare
