DigimonCardGame Wiki

Arresterdramon: Superior Mode (BT12-083)

Card Info
Name Arresterdramon: Superior Mode
Japanese アレスタードラモン:スペリオルモード
Colour Purple
Card Type Digimon
Play Cost 9
DP 10000 DP
Level 5
Form Ultimate
Attribute Vaccine
Type Dragon
Rarity Super Rare
Digivolution Requirements
Colour Purple
Level 4
Digivolve Cost 4
Alt. Digivolution Requirements
[Digivolve] Red, Black, or Purple Lv.4 w/<Save> in text: Cost 4
Card Effect(s)
[When Digivolving] Place 1 of your opponent's level 3 Digimon under 1 of your opponent's other Digimon as its bottom digivolution card or under 1 of their Tamers. For each Tamer you have in play with a different color, increase the maximum level this effect can choose by 1.
[End of Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] If this Digimon has 4 or more digivolution cards, you may attack with this Digimon without suspending it.
Inherited Effect
[When Attacking] [Once Per Turn] If this Digimon has <Save> in its text, <Draw 1> (Draw 1 card from your deck).
Card Restriction
English Unrestricted
Japanese Unrestricted
Chinese Unrestricted
Korean Not released
Block Icon
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English Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Tonamikanji BT-12: Booster Across Time Foil - Super Rare
sasasi BT-12: Booster Across Time Textured - Alternative Art

Japanese Sets

Illustrator Booster Set Foil & Rarity
Tonamikanji BT-12: Booster Across Time Foil - Super Rare
sasasi BT-12: Booster Across Time Textured - Alternative Art
